Hours & Contact

Floyds Knobs
7010 Hwy 150
Floyds Knobs, IN, United States


Carr's BBQ & Market
7010 US HWY150
Floyds Knobs, IN 47119
Market: 812-728-8106
Find Us

Hours of Operation

  1. Wednesday to Friday 11:30 AM to 6:00 PM

Market Ph # 812-728-8106

Check our Facebook Page for the most up to date operating days and times as we transition to our new location.
Wednesday - Friday

11:30a.m until 6p.m.  

Reservation Policy

We do take Reservations / Pre-Orders on our BBQ.  These will be orders of at least 4lbs of meat or Full slabs of ribs.  They will be hot and ready for you to pick up any time after 12:00 pm.  All reservations/pre-orders will require at least a 48 hour notice.  You will need to email us with your order.  Please remember to include your name, phone number and date & time you would like to pick up.  

We do get a lot of emails, so please allow us 24 hours to respond.

Thank You

Adam W. Carr

"BBQ Man"